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The Guardian: How Were Three Boys Who Played No Active Role in a Manchester Killing Convicted of Manslaughter?

Our Director contributes to a 2024 Guardian article on Joint Enterprise, following the conviction of 4 more Black boys in Manchester.

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Our Values

As an organisation, our work is guided by our values. Read more about what they mean to us.

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The Guardian: How Do Text Messages Turn into a Prison Sentence for Black Boys?

Our Director writes for the Guardian, exploring the experience of the courtroom and injustice in the Manchester 10 case.

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Maslaha: Radical Safeguarding Workbook

Maslaha's workbook is designed for practitioners working with children and young people, particularly in school contexts, who might be wondering how to start doing things differently when it comes to safeguarding.

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Untold: Jailed Over a Group Chat

Channel 4's 'Untold' series covers the Manchester 10 case, with a focus on Ade's story.

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The Guardian: Manchester MP to Write to Minister over ‘Guilty by Association’ Verdicts

As our advocacy support of ten boys in Manchester continues, Helen Pidd covers the case for the Guardian.

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Surviving Society: E105 Roxy Legane: Racism & Police in Schools

Our Director Roxy Legane joined the podcast to discuss the work of Kids of Colour and the No Police in Schools campaign.

Listen to the podcast >


Our Blog

Visit our blog to read young people's pieces on their experiences of 'race' and racism.

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Resistance Lab

Resistance Lab is coalition of organisations who seek to understand, expose, and educate others about how state violence affects marginalised communities. Read the first report on GMP's use of taser.

Read the report >


Gal-dem: How this Manchester group is winning their fight to keep police out of schools

We spoke to Kimi Chaddah about the No Police in Schools campaign, and the journey so far.

Read here >


Surviving Society: E155 Roxy Legane: Prison sentences for text messages

Our Director Roxy Legane joined the podcast to discuss a recent advocacy case in Manchester, in which 10 young black boys were found guilty by association.

Listen to the podcast >


Decriminalise the Classroom

In August 2020, we co-authored the report 'Decriminalise the Classroom', sharing community perspectives of police in Greater Manchester's schools.

Read the report >


Our Statement: Joint Enterprise Devastates our Communities: Verdicts From Manchester Crown Court

Following the convictions of 4 more boys in Manchester Crown Court's 'super courtroom' in June 2024, and 6 not guilty verdicts, we reflect on the continued oppression of our communities through collective punishment.

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Our Statement: There Will Be No Carnival Banning Letters This Year (2023)

In August 2023, we announced that Greater Manchester Police (GMP) would not be sending letters to individuals banning them from attending Manchester Caribbean Carnival that year, a practice they have engaged with since 2006. With Liberty, we asked GMP to show the letters weren't racist. They couldn’t. Read more in our statement.

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Gal-Dem: Young Black Men are Being Jailed Over Text Messages

Gal-Dem investigate the issue of Joint Enterprise and the 2022 Manchester 10 case.

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No More Exclusions: What About the Other 29?

No More Exclusions is a Black-led anti-racist organisation working to build an abolitionist grassroots movement in education. Read their myth-busting resource about exclusions.

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Community Support Report for 10 Mancunian Boys Found Guilty by Association

In June 2022 we asked you to offer your skills, expertise and care to 10 boys facing prison sentences, to show that as a city, we wanted suspended sentences, and healing-centered approaches to youth violence. Over 500 of you contributed, and your commitments were incredible.

Read the Report >


The Guardian: Fury in Manchester as Black Teenagers Jailed as Result of Telegram Chat

As our advocacy support of ten boys in Manchester continues, Helen Pidd covers the case for the Guardian.

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Our YouTube

Visit our YouTube to hear young people explore their experiences of 'race' and racism.

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ITV Granada Reports: 'I want to be treated fairly': Students say Manchester school turns blind eye to racism

In 2021, we supported young people to speak out about experiences of racism at their school.

Read and watch here >


Our Statement: Joint Enterprise and the ‘Gang’ Narrative

As Joint Enterprise cases continue across Greater Manchester, please read our statement on the problematic 'gang' narrative.

Read the statement >


Manchester Libraries: Reading of "The Prince and the Frog

Staff member Mea reads the fantastic "The Prince and the Frog" by Olly Pike for Manchester Libraries, a lovely tale of a frog being released into his true self by true love's kiss.

Watch here >


Prison Sentences for Text Messages?

In 2022, we have been supporting young people in an unjust conspiracy case, which saw 10 young black boys found guilty, some for as little as text messages. Find out more.

Read about the case >


Agenda: Girls at Risk of Exclusion

In 2021 some of our staff and young people contributed to Agenda's report, which shows black and minoritised girls were twice as likely to be excluded as their white counterparts.

Read the report >


Our Statement: Manchester Crown Court: A Site of Harm

As an organisation, we have found ourselves in Manchester Crown Court’s ‘super courtroom’, a new site of harm for our communities, where young people can be more quickly prosecuted in groups, often framed as ‘gangs’, at the refurbishment cost of £2.5m. As we bear witness to another trial in 2024, we think about the harm we have seen in Manchester Crown Court since the super courtroom’s opening.

Read Here >


Holding Our Own: A guide to non-policing solutions to serious youth violence

Authored by nine organisations working across human rights, youth services, racial justice, mental health and policing, ‘Holding Our Own: A guide to non-policing solutions to serious youth violence’ provides a vital blueprint for how we can undo the harm currently being done to our communities, and instead build a society where all children are given the chance to thrive.

Read the Report >


Red Pepper: The Manchester 10

Our Director unpicks the racist gang-making at the heart of the Manchester 10 case, and asks what an alternative approach to harm might look like.

Read Here >


The New York Times: They Called Him a Gangster Out for Revenge. The Evidence? 6 Text Messages.

After attending the trial of the Manchester 10, the NY Times cover the case of one of the boys, Ade.

Read Here >


Our Statement on the Sentencing of 10 Boys Found Guilty by Association

Many of you will have followed the 2022 case we have raised awareness of, which saw 10 boys in Manchester found guilty on conspiracy charges, here's our statement on sentencing.

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Runnymede: Race and Racism in English Secondary Schools

Drawing on interviews with teachers from across Greater Manchester, 'Race and Racism in English Secondary Schools' calls for anti-racism to be placed at the centre of our education systems.

Read the report >


Home Activity Book

During lockdown, we created a home activity book so households could explore 'race', identity and culture together.

Download >


End Strip Search

We are one of the many formal supporters of the 'End Strip Search' campaign, established following news about Child Q.

Read about the campaign >


Read and Resist: Being Black in a British School Today

One of our previous project officers Lisa wrote for 'Read and Resist!' on what it means to be Black in a British school today.

Read here >


Manchester Libraries: Reading of "They She He easy as ABC"

Staff member Chloe shared a joyous and playful celebration of pronouns in Manchester Libraries special LGBT+ History Month story session, reading "They She He easy as ABC" by Maya Gonalez & Matthew SG.

Watch here >


No Police In Schools

Here you can find our more about our No Police in Schools campaign with Northern Police Monitoring Project (NPMP), including how to get involved and take action.

Read about the campaign >

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