Our Work

Young People: How to Get Involved

There are a number of different ways to get involved as young people.

Young People of Colour: We run regular youth spaces, summer activities and events, all of which you can check out on our events page or through social media. You can also receive advocacy or pastoral support from us, or share your reflections or interests through our Blog or YouTube.

All Young People: All young people across Greater Manchester are encouraged to order from our free bookshelf which goes out on social media, and to come to our public events, or events like our Solidarity Day. If you are a young person who needs advocacy support in our areas of focus, but do not identify as a young person of colour, you are still welcome to reach out and we can offer guidance or signpost.

If you have any questions about getting involved, please get in touch.

Get in touch >

Sessions and Spaces

As well as our core youth spaces, we hold safe spaces for young people of colour in schools and youth group settings to explore topics important to each group. These can be one off, or a series of up to 6 sessions. Session topics that regularly come up in our youth spaces include:

Sharing and celebrating culture; solidarity across our communities; colourism; racism in education; resistance to racism and self care; racism and social media; navigating intersecting identities

For more information on our youth spaces and/or to explore booking some in for young people of colour you work with, please email info@kidsofcolour.com. You can also request them as young people.

Advocacy and Campaigning

We work to actively challenge racism, and offer advocacy support to young people of colour (individuals or groups) and families. We are best equipped to offer support in relation to the education system, police, or the criminal injustice system. We use our position and expertise to put pressure on institutions and organisations, offer guidance, and connect people to our legal networks.

As an organisation, we remain independent from the police so you can trust the integrity of our advocacy work. In practice, this includes (but is not limited to) not working in partnership with them, not taking funding connected to them, and avoiding communication with them where legally possible. Our interactions with the police are limited to intervening if witness to harm, or supporting young people in custody.

To request our support, contact us.

Get in touch >

Boys and Love Project

Boys & Love is a new project for boys* of colour in Greater Manchester dedicated to love and self-discovery, whilst amplifying the voices and shared experiences of our communities. Together, we delve into a wide range of themes including; self-love, solidarity, intersectionality, challenging toxic masculinity, advocating for feminism, celebrating cultural identity, love of community and planet.

Through thought-provoking conversations, critical thinking and inspiration from activists past to present, this project seeks to dismantle ideas about how boys and men practice love and encourage dialogue that empowers and uplifts boys of colour to be their true selves. We hope this will be a journey of self-fulfilment, healing and joy as we explore the theme of ‘love’.

*This includes cis boys, trans boys, and non-binary people.

If you want to run this project in your school or youth group, or you want to join open sessions, contact Balraj and Nuradin (balraj@kidsofcolour.com / nuradin@kidsofcolour.com)

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