An anti-racist youth work organisation committed to racial justice in Greater Manchester.

Two young women of colour taking a selfie


Kids of Colour is an anti-racist youth work organisation, committed to racial justice for young people of colour in Greater Manchester.

We create spaces for young people of colour aged 25 and under to explore ‘race’, identity and culture, and to feel supported, validated and celebrated. We advocate for young people and our communities, challenging racism and building collective resistance and solidarity.

We are led by a small, part-time team. We are independent from the council and government.

Company number: 12275454

More About Us
A woman of colour smiling at a class of young people

Upcoming events

We host one-off and regular events and activity.

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Our Work

A hand offering up a feathered quill

Young People: Get Involved

We have lots of different ways for young people to get involved, from attending youth spaces to platforming your voice.

A hand offering up a smiling heart

Boys and Love

We have a new project called 'Boys and Love', which looks to be a journey of self-fulfilment, healing and joy as we explore the theme of ‘love’ together.

A hand holding a placard that reads "Yes"

Advocacy and Campaigning

We work to actively challenge racism, and offer advocacy support to young people of colour (individuals or groups) and families.

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As The Manchester 10 appeals are upcoming, our current spotlight is the 'Jailed Over a Group Chat' documentary on Channel 4. Please watch, and follow us on social media to find out more about The Manchester 10.

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Copyright © 2024 Kids of Colour